Better way to pay and receive payments for items online

Pay sellers you meet online and have no fear.

How it works


Shop Online

Shop online, pay with Payondeliver. Shop from facebook, instagram and any other social media platform safely and easily with Payondeliver.


Pay with Payondeliver

Pay seller with your payondeliver account and your money stays with you till the order is completed and goods or services delivered.


Get Payment Code

A Payment code is generated after every payment. Kindly keep the payment code and only share with seller after goods or services has been delivered.

Why choose us

Build product for audience

Pay On Delivery

Start receiving payments online like a pro , payondeliver is your best choice to start receiving online payments, use payondeliver , eliminate unserious buyers and start getting ready buyers

Pay On Delivery

Are You a Buyer

Pay sellers you meet online and have no fear. IT'S FREE TO PAY FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. We charge nothing. Use payondeliver and stop paying blindly online.

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Pay On Delivery

API Integration

Hello sellers , you can now integrate payondeliver in your website as a payment method and your customers either new to payondeliver will pay you.

  • Fast and reliable
  • Simple and easy

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